The project and Our Focus

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«Become a reference point for information, news and trends about Tenere 700.We want team up with our riders to generate positive impact on  planet and society»

Vision :

Our Purpose is to became the wikipedia of T7 , collecting all best videos,articles,contents about T7. Engaging and supporting users to enjoy T7

Our Manifesto:

  1. Inspire ( Adventure,Travel, networking…knowledge … Culture development,culture exchanges… Diversity…Eco-social impact… Fun.. )
  2. Enjoy the ride respecting the rules and keeping safety first
  3. Respect the environment (Natural and Social)
  4. Sustain initiatives to “Save the Planet” and incentive riders to be active part sustaining initiatives accordingly
  5. Sustain Charity Initiatives to incentive riders to be part of social initiatives
  6. Develop local and international network … having fun with the old and new friends!!
  7. Develop local organizations and companies creating synergies and constructive ecosystems
  8. Show how Tenere 700 is more then just a Motorbike…

Our Goals :

  1. 2022 : Plant 1000 Trees // Growth 60.000 Bees
  2. 2023 : Plant 2000 Trees // Growth 200.000 Bees
  3. 2024 : Plant 4000 Tress // Growth 500.000 Bees
  4. 2025 : Plant 10.000 Trees // Growth 1.000.000 Bees
  5. 2026 : Plant 20.000 Trees // Growth 2.000.000 Bees

If you have some link,videos,event or other material to share or you want to support us with the Forest Tenere 700 or to set up a Mechanical School in Dakar or to Donate a Bike please contact us sending an email to

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