In Italy ( Town : Sezzadio – close to Turin) , the 22-23 October 2022 it will be a fantastic event !!
60 Pilots thay will compete to be selected and became part of 700% Made in Italy racing team. They will compete to became “Ambassador of the 700% Made in Italy ” in the world…. they will compete to go to the Tuareg Rallye and Gobraltar race in Morocco , Rally Alabania or Alps Tourist Throphy!!
700% Made in Italy is a group of italians companies (some are artisanals) that are recognized in Italy to be the excellences for their spare parts for high quality and performances!! We are talking of all accessories to upgrade your Motorcycle with a Truly and Authentic Italian DNA.
The pilots will compete in different categories to win wild cards and spare parts for their Motorcycle.
The event is open to all not professionist Riders.. but with demonstrated experience in off road (not principiants)
They will compete in 4 main stages to prove and show their ability in terms of technical driving skills,performances , maintenance knowledge and also communication/social.
They are divided in 4 categories : Woman Amateur , GPX amatuer , Professionist and Veterans.
The Veterans will not compete on prices .
It will be many activities also for the fans and supporters like :
- 700% Made in Italy village with 21 stands
- Special prices and offers reserved to all visitors
- Exposition and prices for old enduro vintage motorcycles ( public that will join to support the pilots)
- 60 Pilots ….competing to go to the desert!!
Come and have fun with us!!
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